Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Good Customer Relationship Management

Question: Describe about the Good Customer Relationship Management. Answer: Introduction: Management literature in its various places has explicitly mentioned the importance of the customers to a business. It is needless to say that the customers or the buyers are the most important elements for a business. It is the customers who determine the position of any company in the world market. On the dint of the loyalty of these customers companies and business organizations happens to be thriving, irrespective of any industry that they belong to. This discussion shall be dedicated to the topic that whether customers and relationship management with them happens to be the most important pillar that can support the process of sustained success of a company or not(Cain, 2013). Arguments: In my opinion customer relationship management is one of the most important departments that can be responsible for either the success of a company or even its downfall. In Support of the Motion: As mentioned in the very beginning of the discussion, customers relationship management is obviously one of the biggest pillars that happen to be supporting the sustenance and also the survival of a company. In the present age of extreme competition we see that a good rapport with the customers happens to be one of the major elements that can help a company to attain advantage over the other rivals. This is a very clear strategy that is being followed by companies from different industries very aggressively in the current times. It is with this end motive in their vision that the product companies are giving so many endless exciting offers that can draw a larger gamut of buyers towards them, and away from their competitor(Frei, 2008). The service companies on the other hand are trying their level best to train their people or employees in a such manner that the services that they do render to their customers can satiate them to the limit so that they do not turn to other rival companies. The best example of customer relationship management can be found from companies who are increasingly indulging into the aspect of after ales service. This is in fact one of the ways through which the buyers are wooed to the companies and also way from their competition. It can be said that whether in operations of production, or logistics o even services of different types there can always be a flaw which can result into dissatisfaction of the customers. It is in this perspective that the element of customer relationship management often comes into the play. If a company has a strong system or network of customer relationship management and has a good reach to its customers that it can overcome the situation of crisis and can sti ll retain their customers. Hence customer relationship management is such a strategy where a relationship is built with the customers who becomes more like a family for the brand and can even stand by the company in their times of challenge and crisis(Golding, 2013). The customer relationship management can also be a tool that can tell any company the improvements that are to be brought about in their products and also their services that can attract a larger gamut of buyers. The customer relationship management can also be potential tools in the hands of the management of the company to get a general feel of the market and its various players. This department can gather much vital information about the competitors of the company, the quality of the products that they are offering to the customers and the general attitude and the reaction of the customers towards these rival companies(Dragni?, 2014). Hence we see that the customer relationship management is one division that can be put to use from a number of aspects. It can be used to get the opinion of the customers regarding the quality of the company products, the direction in which new changes and improvements are to be brought into the products of the company and also the reaction of the customers regarding the services and the products of the other rival companies. Hence it can be said and that too with finality that this is a department that can help to make company successful for a long stretch of time and maintain its position of dominance in the market(Shoa, 2009). Recommendations: As a recommendation to the problem mentioned in the previous section it can be said that customer relationship management can be considered to be eth first and the most potential source that can give the management of the company a good insight into the existing problems of the company that needs attention and the direction in which improvement is required. Hence the production, marketing, branding and the rest of the support departments must be well connected to the feedbacks and the suggestions that shall be received from the customer relationship management departments. This can help the internal structures of the company to be much better aligned and coordinated amongst them and can hence bring about a better performance of the company. Conclusion: On a concluding note it can be said that customer relationship management is truly one of the most important aspects that can bring about a sustained success of any company. It can give the company an idea of what the customers ants, it can helps the company to relate to the requirements of their customers and also can help their customers understand the processes that the company has undertaken to that the needs of the customers are met with. This is a department that helps the customers feel valued and hence helps the company to retain their loyalty. No wonder this is a department that is receiving so much attention across the world. References: Cain, K., 2013. Business Success Depends Upon Successful Marketing. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 October 2016]. Dragni?, D., 2014. Impact of internal and external factors on the performance of fast-growing small and medium business. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 October 2016]. Frei, F.X., 2008. The Four Things a Service Business Must Get Right. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 October 2016]. Golding, I., 2013. What do customers really want?. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 October 2016]. Shoa, K., 2009. Growth factors for small and medium business. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 October 2016].

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